Holten Canadian Cemetery: behind each of the 1394 graves lies an impressive story. The Canadian Cemetery Information Center keeps the thought of those who fell alive with stories, anecdotes and photos - often donated by relatives. Discover here how Northeast Netherlands was liberated and find out more about the fallen soldiers and how the plot was established.
The information center is free for everyone and available for the disabled.
For all generations

Kenneth Allen

William Staughton

Jame Symington

John Tooke

Clarence Trimm

Robert Watt

Frederick Wigle

Victor Brunke

Victor Carpenter

Thomas Clark

Maurice Bouvier

Raymond Duthoit

Joseph Elliot

Jim Else

Ernest England

Cecil French

Harry Gervais

Reuben Gurr

Gordon Hand

Clinton Hetherington

Denis Huscroft

Howard Irvine

Lorimer Johnson

David Kay

George Kelly

Frits Lemke

Clarence MacDonell

James Martin

Roy Mathison

Reginald McKay

James Monk

Loren Nelson

David Noble

Robert Odjick

Wiliam O'Donnell

John Pape

Frank Perrett

Earle Philips

Bruce Pym

Frederick Sims

John Solose

Harold Folde

John Glavin

Robert Halbgewachs

Harry Hekelaar

Harry Ilasevich

Richard Jones

Edwin Zeer

Frederick Tucker